Thursday, July 26, 2012

How To Write Your Very Own E-book In 5 Days or Less Part 7

Good job so far! You've learned a lot and have started to put that knowledge into use. Hopefully, you've learned how to get ideas out of your mind and down onto paper, while at the same time, you've learned how to step back and take a look at an overview of what's actually being bought out there in the market.

Maybe, you've been smart enough to try the "Kumar Method" out on your market research. If you have, you're really way ahead!


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Last chapter, you found out ways to see what people are buying. The chapter before that, you learned about tapping your subconscious. Let's put those two techniques together for a moment and see what happens.

How To Write Your Very Own E-book In 5 Days or Less Part 7

Do a little market research and come up with 5 keywords or phrases that apply to things that people are already buying...and buying a LOT of! You just learned about how to do this...check WordTracker, check eBay, check the best sellers...all of those things! Come up with a list of 5 potential keywords or items, or topics. ONLY 5!

Now, just study that list of 5 for a few minutes. Think about each keyword or phrase and then write down ideas about each one of them. As fast as you can...with no editing (you ARE using that pen, right?). That's your conscious mind working. Now it's time to get your subconscious kicked into gear!

Us the Kumar Method to focus your mind on those 5 items...the last 5 things you were thinking about. Relax like we talked about earlier and just let things flow out of your mind and onto the paper.
Do a 30 minute session. Most people find that after 30 minutes or so, it becomes more difficult to keep their minds focused on just the things they want to work on.

Again, you're going to end up with 2 lists...your conscious list and your subconscious list. Compare them like before and find which one of the 5 items comes out with the most things scribbled down about it. That's probably the one you should pick to write about for your first e-book!

That's an important step you just took there whether you knew it or not. You did some good research, you put some quality conscious thought into it and then, you turned it over to your subconscious to work on. If you TRULY went through those steps, then you are definitely in the 5% of e-book authors (or soon-to-be authors!) who will turn out an excellent that people will LOVE , get a LOT out of...AND, tell their friends about!

Pat yourself on the back and grab a cool refreshment, but, don't close this chapter yet. We have more work to do today!

The very next thing you need to do is go out and find everything you can on your subject. Let's say you came up with "diets for dachshunds" as your topic. You need to go out and find what's already been written on that subject.

Here's an excellent FREE way to do just that. Go to Google and type in your keyword or key phrase. Take a look at the statistics there, but don't worry too much about them right now. The important part for you, at this point, is the bottom part of that page...all of the website URLs you'll see there.
Click on some of the top rated sites and see what information they have on there. See what they have to say...what they have to sell. See what price points they set for their products...if it IS their own product! See what affiliate products they're selling. If it's a popular product, don't you think that people may be interested in learning how to best...or better...use that product? Or maybe take care of that product?

What you're trying to do here is check out your competition...get the lay of the some reconnaissance! Not with the idea of talking yourself OUT of writing a book about the topic, but with the idea of getting you excited about it!

While you're searching, make sure you find some sites that have free articles about your chosen topic. Copy those articles into a folder on your desktop entitled, "Resources"...we'll come back to them in just a bit.

Also, while you're searching, try to find forums that deal with your topic. That's easy to do. Just go to Google and type in forum: dogs or forum:dachshunds get the idea. These forums are a treasure trove of great information! Make sure you bookmark the ones that closely fit your WILL be coming back to them! Add them to your resource file.

Take a little time on each of the forums to read a few posts...see what questions people are asking...see what people are talking about. Find a forum topic that has a lot of responses and read through them. What you're doing here is getting a feel for your market...what they want to know...what they already know...what they buy...what they don't they talk. This will help immeasurably when tomorrow rolls around and you start actually writing!
Now, let's get back to that file you put on your desktop. You should have quite a few articles in there by now if you've been copying and swiping. That's why it's called a swipe file! Everybody who's really serious about marketing keeps one. If they see something that looks really cool or interesting or applicable, they just add it to their swipe file.

This is NOT a file to steal content from. That's just plain dumb...and illegal! It's pretty hard to make a decent living from the state pen! It's your resource file. A resource for ideas, methods, techniques that you may end up using in the future. The best way to use a swipe file for your first e-book is to read through the applicable content...articles, web pages, whatever ...and internalize that information. Think about how you could use that information in what you're accomplishing. Think about what the information means to you and how you'd tell your wife, best friend, mother all about it without any notes.

So, during this session, you should've spent nearly all four hours with your nose in Google. Getting a TON of information in your swipe file... and more importantly, in your brain!

Tomorrow, we'll get to work on getting all of that information you've just put in there back out in an orderly and readable manner. Remember what you've done here. This is one of the vital steps to writing a great e-book.

If you have any spare time tonight, get yourself buried in your swipe files and get your brain really filled up with information about your topic. Don't worry...we'll get it out of there tomorrow! Good job today!

How To Write Your Very Own E-book In 5 Days or Less Part 7

Dennis Lively is the well-known host of Net Biz Radio and has written and published more than 160 books that have sold over 50,000 copies in all.

If you liked this installment of Dennis' book, you'll LOVE what you'll find at his newest site, Cash Paydays 4 Writers. Click over there and be prepared to be amazed!


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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Co-Author's Collaboration Skills Checklist: How Do You Rate?

Being a co-author isn't easy. As the manuscript takes shape you may be pleased or discouraged with your efforts. Reaching the halfway point may not be as exciting as you thought. To meet the publisher's deadline, you may have to compromise and, in some instances, this means giving up.

Compromise can resolve short-term differences, but it can also be frustrating for a co-author. If you're honest with yourself, you admit you don't want to give up or give in because you believe in your talent.


I'm co-authoring a book now and, so far, it's been a delightful experience. Blake Flannery explains compromise in his Internet article, "Conflict Resolution to Improve Relationships: Compromise and Collaboratoin." He thinks compromise is a process of meeting in the middle. "You don't need a good working relationship to compromise," he comments.

Co-Author's Collaboration Skills Checklist: How Do You Rate?

Collaboration isn't the same as compromise, Flannery continues. First, collaboration takes longer. Second, it builds on diversity. Nobody gives up and everyone provides input. "Don't feel pressured to make a quick decision," he advises.

James Robertson shares his thoughts about collaboration in an Internet presentation, "Ten Tips for Succeeding at Collaboration," posted on the Slideshow website. Tip one: "Someone needs to take ownership." Other tips address preconditions, boundaries, relationship, and project support. His last tip: "Don't forget this is all about people."

I looked up collaboration on the Internet and found a checklist for teachers from the Plymouth, Minnesota school district. It's posted on the Practical Resources for Education Professionals website (PREP). The cheklist helps professional educators to evaluate their collaboration skills. Since I'm a teacher, turned writer, I read the checklist with this life experience in mind.

The ranking system is easy. Numeral one means "I have trouble with this." Numeral two means "I do this rasonably well." Numeral three means "I see this as a strength of mine." The checklist made me think about the collaboration skills co-authors bring to a project. Are you good at collaboration? Use this checklist, based on the references above and my co-authoring experience, to find out.

- I understand who owns the book idea. (Owning isn't the same as joint copyrighting.)

- I helped to establish working rules and guidelines.

- I take careful notes.

- I try to keep us on schedule and moving forward.

- I listen attentively and refrain from interrupting.

- I ask my co-author to clarify statements if I don't understand them.

- I stay on topic and on task.

- I am punctual and respectful of my co-author's time.

- I compliment my co-author.

- I keep a sense of humor.

- I focus on the goal of producing a top-notch book.

- I find joy in collaborative writing.

Co-authoring a book -- collaboration -- is a skill that develops as the manuscript takes shape. Establishing work rules and boundaries ahead of time make collaboration easier. Writing is hard work, but when you hold the book in your hands, you'll know the work and collaboration were worth it.

Copyright 2011 by Harriet Hodgson

Co-Author's Collaboration Skills Checklist: How Do You Rate?

Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 30+ years. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from Amazon.

Centering Corporation published her 26th book, "Writing to Recover: The Journey from Loss and Grief to a New Life" and a companion journal with 100 writing jump-starts. The company also published her latest book, "The Spiritual Woman: Quotes to Refresh and Sustain Your Soul."

Hodgson has another new book out, "101 Affirmations to Ease Your Grief Journey: Words of Comfort, Words of Hope," also available from Amazon. Please visit her website and learn more about this busy author and grandmother.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How Can 0870 Phone Numbers Help Small Uk Businesses?

Other than freephone 0800 numbers, which cost you for every call you receive, 0870 numbers remain one of the best recognised and most popular of all UK Non Geographic Number (NGN) ranges.

Since being originally introduced as 0990 (now a Premium Rate code) 0870 has quickly become associated with many UK businesses, from the large corporate firms right down to the family run, home based business.


There are several reasons why 0870 numbers are a great choice for any UK business:

How Can 0870 Phone Numbers Help Small Uk Businesses?

They allow small businesses to compete in the business marketplace. Businesses with local area codes which reveal that they are not based in large cities frequently use NGNs, which are automatically and instantly redirected to the destination number chosen by the company. The cost of a UK call to an 0870 number is the same regardless of the relative location of the caller or the callee, which is the standard national rate.

Helps give a new separate business identity for the smaller business that is just starting out or starting to grow. For those that may be running a business out of their home, there is no longer a need to give out your personal home phone number. This helps you keep your personal / family affairs separate and private. You can have two or more 0870 numbers redirected to the same landline.

Businesses are free to relocate, and home base businesses are free to move without the hassle of having to obtain and promote new telephone numbers. Since the destination number for calls made to an 0870 number can be re-routed via an online web control panel (to which the business generally has access), relocating does not give you the communication nightmares associated with acquiring and publishing new telephone numbers.

They give you "on the go" flexibility. Using the online interface described above, a business owner or staff member can re-route their own 0870 numbers according to weekends, holidays or business trips. Calls can be diverted to UK and international fixed and mobile numbers accordingly.

Memorable numbers are often sought by the larger businesses for advertising as they can be easily remembered and add to a company's identity. Often, such distinguished numbers are bought at a premium price, but other easy-to-remember numbers, of a lower profile can be found at little or no cost. This helps again, give some more weight to those smaller businesses.

They can also give useful feedback for evaluating promotions. For example two separate 0870 numbers can be used to promote your product or service. The Call Detail Records (CDRs) can then be used to gauge the effectiveness of different marketing campaigns, whether is be billboard advertising, banner advertising on a bus, leaflet drop, direct mail campaign or a simple advert in a magazine or local newspaper.

How Can 0870 Phone Numbers Help Small Uk Businesses?

To find out more about 0870 numbers, you can visit

Experienced in helping businesses evolve with technology by adapting fundamental communication principles on a basic level right through to high end search engine optimization. Aaron Presbury is a Director of the Presbury Group, and is also fluent in French.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Publishing Choices For Writers - Traditional Publishing, Part Two

In Part One of the discussion on traditional publishing, I discussed the give and take of traditional publishing. The publisher gives the author an advance and takes from the author the rights to basically do what they want with the book. The game then for the publisher is to chose a quality book that it believes is marketable, will be popular and sell many copies. This is why a traditional publisher is so choosy in what manuscripts they accept (usually from one to three percent of all submitted manuscripts) and why it is a good idea for an author to have an agent who knows the publishing ropes, and who can work on an author's behalf.

Generally, to have a chance at being picked up by a traditional publisher, an author needs an agent. Publishers receive numerous unsolicited manuscripts all the time. Many unsolicited manuscripts are not ready for publishing or are not marketable in their current state so they are not considered at all. While generally editors will look at all these manuscripts and actually read a few, the chances of being "discovered" among all the unsolicited manuscripts are slim to none. However, an agent has the experience to know what can be a successful manuscript and will personally submit a work to any number of publishers in hopes of receiving an initial positive response.


In order to obtain an agent and subsequently a publisher, an author will have to put together an all-embracing book proposal. This can be very time consuming and expensive if the author hires someone else to do it for them, and not necessarily successful if an writer decides to do it themselves. Then, assuming the author hires an agent, and the agent gets a publishing company to go forward with the manuscript, the agent negotiates a publishing contract. Chances are, most authors will not get a huge advance on their first book as the publishing company wants to see how successful a new writer can be. There are always exceptions, but for the average author, it is best not to plan on making a living on their first book! However, an author with a publishing contract will not have to come up with any money to get their book published.

Publishing Choices For Writers - Traditional Publishing, Part Two

If an author is published by a traditional publishing company, they will automatically have credibility as an expert with the prestige that goes along with that. The publisher will help with marketing and distribution of the book, providing some publicity support. They will get the book into stores. Sometimes the company will even set up opportunities for the author for speaking engagements and book signings. However, unless the author is very well known, this media exposure may only last for a couple of months. Even with a traditional publisher, for an author to prove their worth by sales (which will translate to bigger advances for a second book), they must be willing to put in time, effort and money to promote their own book in addition to any efforts by the publisher.

In the other articles in this publishing choices for writers series, I will discuss the more recent choices of publishing, including all the available options under the self-publishing umbrella, that an author now has to get their book published.

Publishing Choices For Writers - Traditional Publishing, Part Two

Candace C. Davenport is a retired attorney and published author whose love of writing led to co-founding a small independent publishing company, Our Little Books. Our Little Books ( ) is dedicated to publishing inspirational, educational and fun little books for pocket or purse. Candace encourages all people to find their inner muse and become published authors with their own little book, either for pleasure or for their business. Sign up for a free report on how Becoming a Published Author Will Improve Your Credibility and Make You an Expert in Your Field at Enjoy!

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