Sunday, July 22, 2012

Co-Author's Collaboration Skills Checklist: How Do You Rate?

Being a co-author isn't easy. As the manuscript takes shape you may be pleased or discouraged with your efforts. Reaching the halfway point may not be as exciting as you thought. To meet the publisher's deadline, you may have to compromise and, in some instances, this means giving up.

Compromise can resolve short-term differences, but it can also be frustrating for a co-author. If you're honest with yourself, you admit you don't want to give up or give in because you believe in your talent.


I'm co-authoring a book now and, so far, it's been a delightful experience. Blake Flannery explains compromise in his Internet article, "Conflict Resolution to Improve Relationships: Compromise and Collaboratoin." He thinks compromise is a process of meeting in the middle. "You don't need a good working relationship to compromise," he comments.

Co-Author's Collaboration Skills Checklist: How Do You Rate?

Collaboration isn't the same as compromise, Flannery continues. First, collaboration takes longer. Second, it builds on diversity. Nobody gives up and everyone provides input. "Don't feel pressured to make a quick decision," he advises.

James Robertson shares his thoughts about collaboration in an Internet presentation, "Ten Tips for Succeeding at Collaboration," posted on the Slideshow website. Tip one: "Someone needs to take ownership." Other tips address preconditions, boundaries, relationship, and project support. His last tip: "Don't forget this is all about people."

I looked up collaboration on the Internet and found a checklist for teachers from the Plymouth, Minnesota school district. It's posted on the Practical Resources for Education Professionals website (PREP). The cheklist helps professional educators to evaluate their collaboration skills. Since I'm a teacher, turned writer, I read the checklist with this life experience in mind.

The ranking system is easy. Numeral one means "I have trouble with this." Numeral two means "I do this rasonably well." Numeral three means "I see this as a strength of mine." The checklist made me think about the collaboration skills co-authors bring to a project. Are you good at collaboration? Use this checklist, based on the references above and my co-authoring experience, to find out.

- I understand who owns the book idea. (Owning isn't the same as joint copyrighting.)

- I helped to establish working rules and guidelines.

- I take careful notes.

- I try to keep us on schedule and moving forward.

- I listen attentively and refrain from interrupting.

- I ask my co-author to clarify statements if I don't understand them.

- I stay on topic and on task.

- I am punctual and respectful of my co-author's time.

- I compliment my co-author.

- I keep a sense of humor.

- I focus on the goal of producing a top-notch book.

- I find joy in collaborative writing.

Co-authoring a book -- collaboration -- is a skill that develops as the manuscript takes shape. Establishing work rules and boundaries ahead of time make collaboration easier. Writing is hard work, but when you hold the book in your hands, you'll know the work and collaboration were worth it.

Copyright 2011 by Harriet Hodgson

Co-Author's Collaboration Skills Checklist: How Do You Rate?

Harriet Hodgson has been an independent journalist for 30+ years. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from Amazon.

Centering Corporation published her 26th book, "Writing to Recover: The Journey from Loss and Grief to a New Life" and a companion journal with 100 writing jump-starts. The company also published her latest book, "The Spiritual Woman: Quotes to Refresh and Sustain Your Soul."

Hodgson has another new book out, "101 Affirmations to Ease Your Grief Journey: Words of Comfort, Words of Hope," also available from Amazon. Please visit her website and learn more about this busy author and grandmother.

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